There are benefits to having a home that is more energy-efficient, like saving money on your utility bills and helping the environment. Here are a few ways to save energy in your home.

Install Smart Bulbs to Save Energy

Replace standard bulbs in fixtures throughout your home with smart LED light bulbs. You’ll use less energy with a smart bulb because you can program them to turn off and on at certain times. Since you can control smart bulbs using an app on your phone, you’re able to adjust your lighting remotely from wherever you are.

Make Sure Your Windows are Double Glazed

Double-glazed windows help maintain the temperature in the home. If you live in an older home, the windows are likely not double-glazed. When planning home improvement projects, consider upgrading your windows. Newer windows greatly improve the energy efficiency of a home.

Save Energy by Installing Solar Panels

Another smart energy-saving tip is to install solar panels on your property. Homes located in areas with a good number of sunny days will benefit the most from this type of installation. While solar panels are costly upfront, over time you’ll pay for the panels with the money you save on the monthly power bill.

Depending on the amount of sun your home receives, it takes an average of 9.5 years to recoup your investment in solar panels. Check to see if you qualify for tax credits and exemptions if you install solar panels. Many areas offer incentives to homeowners who choose to add solar panels to the home.

Choose Energy Efficient Appliances

Old appliances use more energy than newer models. A common mistake that homeowners make is boosting energy efficiency across the home, but neglecting the fact that appliances are dated. When it’s time to replace an appliance, choose an ENERGY STAR certified model. Keep your appliances functioning their best by cleaning and maintaining them regularly.

Add Insulation to Save Energy

In the average home, it is estimated that 40% of heat escapes through the walls and 25% escapes through the roof. According to studies, a three-bedroom house can save over $430 per year if it is properly insulated.

Insulation is vital for keeping warm air in the house during cold weather and keeping the cool air inside throughout summer. Check the insulation in your home. Over time it can shift, become damaged by rodents, or experience moisture damage. Add insulation to boost your home’s energy efficiency.

Develop Energy-Saving Habits

No matter much how much money you spend on insulating your home, installing renewable energy sources, and upgrading your appliances, you still need to be proactive. Teach family members about saving energy. Get into the habit of turning off the lights in empty rooms and unplugging appliances if they are not in use.

Rock Solid Property Inspections offers home inspection services to the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex. Contact us to schedule an appointment.